Podcast: Ravi Sagar
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Podcast: Ravi Sagar

Today`s guest is one and only Ravi Sagar! Ravi is a Jira-related content creator, Script Runner master, podcaster, youtuber, author of multiple books about Jira and most importantly – very interesting person. We have covered many topics, not only Jira-related, including Ravi`s daily routine, attitude to motivation and the people he works with. I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did.


Podcast: Jexo with friends
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Podcast: Jexo with friends

Hi! On Tuesday, October 18th at 11:00 am CET you will be able to see the Jexo with Friends podcast in which I participated. The program is hosted by Biro Florin, founder of Jexo. Biro produces so much valuable content that it’s hard to keep up with it! I especially recommend the Atlassian News with Jexo series, which, as Biro told me, is sometimes also a source of knowledge for… Atlassian employees 🙂 And of course I invite you watch the podcast on YouTube. Attention! This time I`m broadcasting from the garage, the quietest place in my house;)